Scholarships for UW-Green Bay


WMCA Scholarship Applications for the UW-Green Bay Clerks and Treasurers Institute
The UW-Green Bay Clerks and Treasurers Institute (CTI) is the premier training program for Clerks and Treasurers who want to enhance their skills and become top-notch professionals. Even better, the Institute will be held virtually this year, saving your municipality travel expenses while still delivering the same high-quality training.
The Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association (WMCA) is proud to offer scholarships to support Clerks attending the Institute. Whether you’re in Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, or completing the Clerks Completion Program (4th year after the Treasurers Institute), we encourage all members to apply for these scholarships.
Application Deadline:
Applications must be submitted by midnight on April 15, 2025.


Click here to fill out the online 2025 UW-GB Scholarship Application



Scholarship Requirements:
Before applying, please ensure you meet the following requirements:
  1. WMCA Membership:  Your WMCA membership must be paid and active for the current year before your application will be considered.
  2. Application Deadline:  Submit your application no later than midnight on April 15, 2025.
  3. Complete Application:  All questions on the application form must be answered for your submission to be eligible.
  4. Supervisor Support Letter:
    • A letter of support from your Supervisor, Mayor, or Board Chair is required.
    • The letter must state their support for your attendance at the UW-Green Bay Institute and include a physical signature.
    • Submit the letter via email or mail to the WMCA Office by April 15, 2025.
  5. Institute Attendance:
    • If awarded a scholarship, you must attend the Institute session indicated in your application, held in July 2025.
    • You are required to attend all classes.
    • Scholarships are reimbursement-based, and failure to attend all required classes (e.g., disconnecting early from virtual sessions) will result in forfeiture of the scholarship.
  6. Employment Status:  If you are no longer employed at the same municipality at the time of the Institute, the scholarship will be forfeited. Scholarships are not transferable to another individual or municipality.
Application Availability:
The scholarship application form will be available soon—stay tuned!
Take advantage of this opportunity to advance your career and reduce the financial burden on your municipality. Apply today and invest in your future as a Professional Clerk!