2022-23 Board of Directors Sworn In
President Marie Moe was sworn in during the Annual Meeting at the 42nd Annual WMCA Conference. Also sworn in at the Annual meeting were the District Co-Directors that were in attendance.
1st Vice President Cindi Gamb and Secretary Lana Kropf were sworn in at the Annual Banquet at the Conference at Chula Vista.
2nd Vice President Elena Hilby; Treasurer Brenda Ayers, and Director-at-Large Gail Tamez were voted in and sworn in at the first 2022-23 meeting of the WMCA Board of Directors held via Zoom on September 30, 2022 at 8:30 am.
The Board also ratified the list of 2022-23 WMCA Committees at the September 30th meeting. All new board members and committee members are listed on the WMCA website under "About".