PURPOSE and HISTORY of the Board of Directors

As stated in the WMCA Constitution and Policy & Procedures - To maintain an orderly flow of business and organization for the WMCA, it is necessary to hold Board of Directors meetings. The Board of Directors has the responsibility of ensuring the continued well being of the Association so that it will remain a service to the members.

This year the WMCA Board of Directors is meeting five times.  The first meeting of the Board was held on Friday at 8:30 am on September 30, 2022, on Zoom.  The new Board of Directors was sworn in at that conference and at the first meeting. Further meetings will be posted when determined.


Consider running for a WMCA Board of Directors Seat - Deadline is June 12th to get your Application into the WMCA Office.

Have you been thinking of giving back to the WMCA.  Consider running for a Board of Directors seat.  Click on the link below for the Board of Directors Application packet.