Adopt-a-Clerk Program

Are you a newly appointed or elected Clerk or Deputy or any clerk member who would like additional assistance to guide you in your duties and responsibilities associated with your position?


Become a member of the Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association and take advantage of this program.  Click here to download a fillable “Adopt A Clerk” form, complete it and email it in to the WMCA Executive Director at  The form will be passed on to the Mentoring Committee to match you with a mentor.


A Mentor is an experienced City, Village, or Town Clerk, hopefully located within your Wisconsin Municipal Clerk Association District, who will be able to share with you the experience and knowledge gained through years of service and on whom you can call when you are unsure how to proceed with a task.


You will be matched whenever possible with a Clerk from a municipality of similar population, geographic location, and similar duties. 


Let us help you be the best Professional Clerk you can be!

Become a WMCA Mentor

Give and Receive – Please Consider Becoming a WMCA Mentor


The “Adopt-a-Clerk” Program is designed to connect experienced clerks with new clerks.  This 25+ year old program has been very successful due to its one-on-one contact and continues to be one of WMCA’s most valuable programs. With continuous turnover in clerks around the state, we are in need of experienced clerks to come forward to mentor new clerks.


As a mentor— YOU GIVE:

  • Your knowledge of a clerk’s duties.
  • Your advice about the responsibilities of the office.
  • Your support to let a new clerk know that he/she is not alone.


As a mentor— YOU RECEIVE:

  • The satisfaction of helping a fellow clerk through the overwhelming first year of their job.
  • Points toward a WCPC certification.
  • A new colleague friendship and member of your clerk network.


We need clerks from cities, villages and especially towns throughout the state to volunteer as a mentor; there are too many counties that currently have no one signed up.


If you have further questions regarding the program, contact Melissa Hongisto, Mentor Committee Chair, at  Thank you!