WMCA Certification Programs Offered

The Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association is an educational catalyst for Municipal Clerks. Its vision is to instill in Municipal Clerks the desire for continual learning and professional development, inviting and encouraging them to grow and extend beyond their present levels of development.

To that end, the WMCA implemented its own certification programs in July 2005. Wisconsin certifications can be obtained by earning points in education, career and lifelong learning experiences, and committing to the WMCA Code of Ethics.

The WMCA Certification Program consists of two levels - the WCMC - Wisconsin Certified Municipal Clerk and then the WCPC - Wisconsin Certified Professional Clerk.

The WMCA Certification Committee reviews all applications twice a year. Applications must be postmarked by March 1st or October 1st.



Points required:   100 total points
Advanced Degree Required:   None
Cost:   $100-for the review of app, pin, certificate & walnut plaque
Time in organization:   3 years
Grandfather if hold CMC:   Yes - $75
Code of Ethics:   Must Reaffirm
Points required:   145 Education & Experience
Years required in organization:   3 years
 Yrs in Clerk or similar position:   8 years
 Waiting period after original certification:   None
 Time allowed to complete program:   7 years
Grandfathered if hold MMC:   Yes - $75 fee
Code of Ethics:   Must Reaffirm
Cost:   $100-for review of application, a pin, certificate, & walnut plaque


For more detailed information click on the underlined titles below.